Whew, what a month. Knitting had to fall to the back burner a bit this month. We were busy finding my daughter an apartment in Rochester (for her new job, yea!!) and then moving her out of her old apartment and into her new one. So between cleaning and driving (not riding) and shopping and moving, my knitting time was slightly curtailed. But anyway, I managed to get a few things done (one finished just this morning, so you could see it).
I finished up the Kimono, knit with Plymouth's Mushishi. It is a VERY easy sweater and looks great on everyone who has tried it on. The yarn is a silk and wool combination with great colors. Great TV or car knitting.

We got two new yarns in that I knit up scarves for. The first is Flying Print from Filatura Di Crosa. This I made into a "bubble" scarf with some increases and decreases. It's fun!
And the next is Evviva, also from Filatura Di Crosa. This is just a simple garter stitch, but I changed colors halfway through, making for a funky scarf.
Then I knit up the samples for the December Knit and Knibble. The pattern says they are luggage tags, but I think they would also make great Gift tags. They are knit with sock yarn and the perfect way to use up little leftovers.

And last but not least, finished this morning in a rush so that I could take a picture and share it with you is the sweater I started last month with the beads. It was inspired by and very loosely based on a cardigan in the last Knitter's magazine, but I changed it to a pullover, changed the pattern st count and added beads. And I am very happy with it. I used Blue Heron's
Rayon Metallic, which has a hint of glitz and added beads. The pattern is a little time consuming because you bind off and cast on 3 stitches every for rows, and of course add the bead. But I think is will be really cute over a camisole. This sweater is for me and will probably head home in a few days.
So, that's it for finished knitting. I have also started a sweater with a ribbon yarn from my stash (too little done to even show you yet), the lace stole is still in the bag and was left untouched this month and new yarns are arriving so it it sample knitting time.
Until next month, Happy Knitting, Nancy
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