I finished up a cool weather sweater and now for some warm weather knitting. New yarns for spring are coming in, so it's sample knitting time.
First, from last month, I finished up the Noro Kogarashi sweater. It turned out cute and I have even worn it, even though it is now on display in the shop. It looks nice with a turtleneck under it or as a spring jacket.
I also finished my son's tie, in time for Valentines Day. He was thrilled and can't wait to wear it. Ella Rae's Lace Merino, I love, love , love this yarn.
As I mentioned last month we had a baby shower to go to for sisters who are both expecting in May. A boy and girl, so since they will be cousins, i thought they needed matching sweaters. One blue and one pink, of course!
Another gift. I will be needing a gift for a friend later this spring and so I decided on a shawl. It is knit with Berroco's Seduce and I think will be perfect for spring and summer. I was really happy with the results, I hope she will be too. But shhh.... I don't give it to her for a couple of months.
Then a sweater, a sample of new yarn. This is Louisa Harding's Ondine. A beautiful cotton with tweedy coloring. I thought this sweater from one of her books was really pretty, so, here it is. The sweater is shown with 3 options, one plain, one with contrasting colors and one with beads. I chose beads. I think this will be really cute with a little cami under it for spring and summer.
And on the needles, Arucania's Ruca made from sugar cane, that's right, sugar cane, is a wonderful yarn that we have had in shop for a while without a sample, so, I am working on one. The yarn has wonderful drape and I want to take advantage of that, so I am working on a trapeze style top for summer. As you can see I still have a ways to go.
And last but not least, a swatch. For the Entrelac dress I've been talking about since January. Some day soon it will be started. It is again, Ella Rae's Lace Merino and will be knit on 3's. So don't expect to see quick results on this one. I expect you will be hearing about this for the next year or so. That's ok, I enjoy working on the yarn so I won't mind dragging the project out for a while.
I think that is it for February. March will bring a few more samples and hopefully a little progress on some of the above things. (except maybe the socks..) Until then, Happy Knitting, Nancy