Then I bought a pretty top on sale at Coldwater Creek and it needed a sweater over it to make an outfil. So.... Here it is, knit with Berroco's Seduce. Why is it that buying something on sale always costs me more money in yarn....
I also just finished a Pretty Vest from Noro's new book, Flowers 2. It is knit with a new yarn of theirs, Taiyo Sock yarn. It is mostly cotton so nice and soft. But it's knit on size 3 needles, so a little slower than usual for me.
I have also started (with a little help from my friends, Thank you!!) knitting 26 black watch caps. Why you ask? My daughter is dating a very nice young man who was recently deployed to Afganistan and he is in charge of a platoon, 25 men. I said by fall we would have 26 wool hats to send to him for his platoon. So we are starting now. Mine is the one still on the needles..
I think that's it for April. Last night I just cast on for a cardigan knit with Ella Rae's Lace Merino, so that will be coming. On size 3 needles again, so it will be coming slowly. And other than the unfinished socks and barely started skirt in my bag, the next projects are still in the idea stages... Sometimes planning is half the fun. So, until next month, Happy Knitting, Nancy