March! As of today it's going out like a lion, blustery and sleet. A great day to stay in and knit. It was a busy month and I have a few finished projects to show for it.
First as I promised last month - a Paper Bag! Knit with Katia's
Paper. It's pretty cool stuff. This would make a great beach bag or market bag.

Then, our knitting weekend. What fun!! We knit, we ate, we knit , we ate, we knit... ok, you get the picture. It was great fun and I made a lot of progress on my Harlequin Jacket from Jane Slicer-Smith's book,
Swing, Swaggr and Drape. And when I got home I continued on and finished it. Well, nothing that big goes without a story... I finished it at work on a Tuesday morning in time to model it for Sit 'n Knit. The arms were a little long, but I was willing to live with it, it was DONE! And a customer says to me, "Are the arms supposed to be different?" Argggggh!! In my haste to finish, I had left out a color section on one of the arms. Ok, no one else noticed, so I'll leave it for now and fix it when I come back from vacation in April. As the day wore on it made me crazier and crazier.., so, I took the sleeve out and took it home and over the next two days, I fixed the sleeve and decided to shorten both as long as I had it apart. So, the moral of the story is...I don't know...don't hurry and pay attention. But, I love it, love the colors, Love the jacket.

Then I finished up the bathing suit cover up I had started last month. It is knit with Katia's Colibri. I like it and it pretty much turned out the way I wanted it to. (always a good thing and sometimes a surprise)

I had ordered new colors in Plymouth's
Kudo and when I did, I thought would that be cute in the popular top down sweater pattern. Of course when the yarn showed up I had to try it. So, about a half an hour ago, I finished it! Love it amd while I was making it I had to use my coupon and Kohl's to buy capri's and tee shirt to go with it. Just a side note, I used these really cool buttons. They are made from recycled paper (from Spin A Yarn), but they can't be washed. So, I sewed a smaller button to the back of them and poked them through the knitting rather than sewing them in. This way they can easily be removed for washing.
And on the needles, among other things, is a black short cardi. I bought a black a white skirt and a white top and got to thinking (always dangerous) it needs a little something. So this blob is soon to be a sweater.
Then the Lonco drawstring sweater and then hopefully catch up on a few more unfinished projects cluttering up the knitting bag.
So here's to spring (coming soon!). Don't let the sunshine keep you from knittng. Until next month, Nancy