It was a busy month, my daughter graduated from college and my son finished his freshman year at college. I couldn't be prouder of both of them. So it was a big month for all of us,

Graduation ceremony and moving out of the dorm. But of course, in between, I got a little knitting done.
I finished up my started projects from last month.
Kudo sweater turned out really pretty. I love the colors (and so does everyone else, I am now waiting for the back order to show up). It is a self striping cotton/rayon/silk blend. No wool and very nice to work with.

Yesterday was our last class for the Seville Jacket and I wore mine to class. The yarn is Cosmos and the border is Soft Twist. I think it turned out cute. Hopefully there will be picture soon in the customer gallery as the rest of the class finishes their sweater. I love to see the same sweater in different yarns, It is so much fun to see all of the possibilities.

I also finished my black sweater out of Crystal Palace's
Panda Silk DK. It is a Merino/Bamboo/Silk blend and a dream to work with. It is hard to see in the big picture, but the top is cabled giving the bottom fullness. I needed a black sweater to wear with everything and I saw a few in patterns that I liked, so I combined elements of each of them and got my sweater. I am very pleased with it.

I also knit a sweater from Sally Melville's book, The Knit Stitch. It is called Caddy's Sweater. It is all garter stitch, but the bottom is done on size 5 needles making it opaque and the top on 10.5's making it sheer. A very nice effect. I made it from Araucania
Ruca. It is made from sugar cane (yes, sugar) and comes in lucsious colors and I have been dying to work with it.

I also made a sample for the shop from a new yarn, Nepal from Katia. It is a Super Chunky that self stripes, is machine washable and knits very quick. It is a little swing jacket and pointy hat. Fun colors.
I also finished up one of a few Christmas presents, shhhh... and have another on my needles. You'll have to wait until January to hear more about that. And on my needles (or in my head)...
We just got a new yarn in, Crystal Palace's Mini Mochi, so cool. Another self striping sock yarn, but really pretty colors and very soft. Of course it's not screaming socks to me (it will to many, but not me), but it has been saying it wants to be

a shawl. So, what shawl, I looked at patterns on line and while it makes up beautifully in a lace pattern (check out for lots of free patterns with it) I wanted something else. So while walking one day, I remembered that when I was done making the Curlicue Coverlet last month, I thought it would also make a great shawl. It works so well with self striping yarns that I decided Mini Mochi would be perfect. It's not very far along yet, but I love it. The colors are great and it feels good. Even though it is a fingering weight yarn I am knitting it on a 7 and think the drape will be good for a shawl. Stay tuned...

Almost on my needles, is a sweater out of Ella Rae's
Lace Merino. This has been sitting on my desk looking at me. I made a pair of socks out of it (yes, I did) and loved the yarn, so of course I wanted a sweater too. So I've been playing with patterns and what to do with it and the other day I found a bag of beads I had set aside, they were the perfect accent and so I swatched. I am pretty sure it will be a cardigan. I seem to have a thing going on with fingering yarns, I need more time!!
I have also worked a few more rows on the Alice Starmore makeover sweater that has been mentioned in months past.
And last, but not least, an argyle vest. This has not yet reached my needles and is still mostly in my head. But my son said he would wear a vest if I made one and he likes argyle, so a vest is in the works. I have charted the argyle and we picked out a yarn (Berroco's Comfort, machine washable, he's a college student) and colors. So, hopefully it will end up on needles soon.
So, that was May. I wish all you a happy summer of knitting! Till next month, Nancy