New year, New knitting! Sort of. I spent most of the month finishing my Sweater from Kuryeon Sock yarn sweater. Back to that in a minute.
Before Christmas I asked my daughter, would your boyfriend like one of these
hats (danish earflap hats). "Oh no, he doesn't wear hats." Ask my son about a friend of his too. Same answer. As I said before, my kids loved theirs and wear them all the time. My son did say he'd like another in red and black. So, they are back at college and I get a call from my daughter, Dave saw my hat and would really like one. "I thought he didn't wear hats?".... Ok,
I'll make him one. A few days later, I get another call from my daughter, "I was having dinner with the boys swim team and love my hat." Are you kidding me?? At swim meets they have a chinese auction to raise money, so I made two hats in the school colors for
the auction. I told her if the boys want a hat, have their parents bid on one. So I still have to make the red and black one for my son and I get a call from him. "My friend really likes my hat and would like one after all." .... Ok, what colors does he want? The hats were all delivered and a huge success. Mothers came to me at the swim meet saying they put all their tickets in the hat cup and if they don't win, I will have to make one for them...I hope they win! So far, 11 hats.
Back to the sweater, it's really cute and I love the colors. It is knit with Noro's Kureyon Sock yarn on size 2 needles. It was not the quickest knit, but I did enjoy it.
From one extreme to the other, I just finished (and I mean just, about 15 minutes ago) an Einstein Coat from Sally Melville's book, The Knitting Experience: Book I,
The Knit Stitch. I knit it with Araucaria's Nature Wool Chunky on size 10 needles. The entire coat is garter stitch and a great beginner project. We are going to offer this as a class at the shop. I saw a customer wearing this coat and it is really cute on. It is so popular it even has it's own ravelry group.
And now, I know there are still unfinished things in my bag, shhhh... I am going to make a pair of felted clogs and do a class. And I am going to cast on today to start a cute wrap top out of a new yarn from Sirdar, Crofter. And, I almost forget, I have the yarn pulled to make somethoing from the Knit One Below Book. I need more hours in the day!
Until next month.... Nancy